March 7, 2025
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Local Church Resources


It is always important to remember that God’s work must be done in God’s way to gain His blessing and favour. However, most times it is easy to get caught up in the ways and attitudes of this world and perform our mission in a way that does not please God and does not find sanction in the Word of God. One of those subtle attitudes is that once a ministry is formed the people involved in that ministry find it very hard to stop doing things that may no longer be relevant or find the blessing of God. Please pray that LM and this magazine do not succumb to this mind-set.

Our ministry continues to struggle on every side and we solicit your prayers – pray especially that we will be able to identify more missionary church planters to reach the lost all over this vast State of Maharashtra. In keeping with this huge need to awaken the church in Maharashtra to our God-given task LM plans to host a Missions Conference in May 2015. The 2 co-founders of LM will be the main speakers.

The Bible is clear – unless the Lord build the house the labourers work in vain. Unless Jesus builds His church we labour in vain. However, Jesus promised that He will build His Church (Mt. 16:18) and we must be careful that we are involved in His Church and not our own. We must also be careful that we build with the materials that He approves of see 1 Cor. 3:12-15.
As we observe the church in our own areas and perhaps even our own local churches there is much left to be desired in the life and ministry of our churches – many activities and much money may be expended in many things but the BIG QUESTION must be asked: How much churches are budgeting and spending on Missions?

As you ponder this please pray the Lord of the harvest will stir you personally to think intentionally and then plan intentionally to be involved in missions. Write to LM and let us know your desire and we together can plan to move in a new direction that will bring fruit to our intentions.

Enjoy this issue.

In Christ

Chris Williams

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The Inspiration of the Bible: Man’s Part

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