March 7, 2025
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Local Church Resources


It is very easy to keep up with news of happenings anywhere in the world today. Besides TV Channels that broadcast 24 hours News of domestic and International interest even local and vernacular language newspapers get news of the most obscure and definitely news of events that are important. Almost everyone – in rural or urban settings, educated or not, rich or poor – we all are informed about what is going on around our world. The Islamic State makes rapid advances with their fierce commitment to their philosophy of life; Ebola is spreading from primitive Africa to highly advanced America; the politics of not just our country but worldwide is fast changing; there is unrest in Hong Kong and Ukraine and Latin America and Africa. Technology too is advancing at a pace that is unbelievable – if one seriously reads the prophetic passages of the OT and NT together with the news happening all around us it won’t be far-fetched to realize that God is sovereignly at work in preparation for the final revelation of His Son – even our Lord Jesus Christ.

We can be very involved in working out details about the bible’s teaching about the 2nd Coming of the Lord Jesus. We might have different views about the timing of the Rapture, the Millennium, Armageddon, and other matters relating to the end times. However, the bible emphasizes the need to be ready and while being ready to recognise that any delay in the Second Coming is primarily because God is gracious and desires all to come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9). Believers in Jesus Christ have one motivation as we look for the final climax of history and expectantly wait for Jesus – to see Him face to face. I John 3:3 teaches us that everyone who has this hope purifies himself as He is pure. We need to take care as to what kind of people we ought to be in light of His Coming (2 Pet. 3:11).

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Chris Williams

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Love Jesus above All (Part 1)

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Love Jesus above All (Part 2)

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