March 7, 2025
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Local Church Resources


Christmas is Here Again!

It is a busy month and all Christians and churches are caught in celebrations of the birth of Jesus Christ. Think of all the Scripture portions being read in churches. Think too of all the hymns and songs being sung in all Christian services and meetings. The emphasis of all those readings from the bible and the words of the hymns and songs are about the Saviour Who is born – Jesus Christ the Lord!

Yet, think about this – how many people who are in our families, our churches and meetings actually know that Jesus needs to be individually and personally apprehended and crowned Lord of our lives. Each one must experience forgiveness of sins and eternal life for him/herself. Christmases came and go and many so-called Christians NEVER experience salvation from the Saviour Who was born and is being celebrated on Christmas Day. That indeed is a tragedy. Christians are going to hell without Christ Whom they celebrate during this festive season.

While the above is true what is also true is that the church thus weakened is now become quite worldly in Christmas celebrations. Christians are caught up in the glamour and commercialization of Christmas. The business world producing Christmas cards and trees and decorations and organizing parties, dances and shows or, the bakers displaying wonderful rum and other cakes are astute in luring Christians away from the true message of Christmas. We need to stay alert and watch our hearts to be true to Christ – He must be the Christmas message.

With that true we are also to take the message of salvation – Jesus came to save His people from their sins – to our friends, neighbours and the general world around us. Christmas, beyond any other time, provides Christians an opportunity to tell the world of Jesus. People are open to being greeted at Christmas, they are open to being invited at Christmas to your home for a Christmas meal or even to Church for a Christmas celebration.

Make the best of this Christmas season. Celebrate the Saviour Who came to be born of a virgin and then live as a human and die on the Cross for our salvation. Share Christmas with others. And have a very happy Christmas.

Chris Williams

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