March 6, 2025
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Local Church Resources


Will Life be the Same in 2015?

Another year is gone and a new one has come! So what’s new about the New Year?

I really don’t think there is anything new in a new year except that the Calendar changes. Dates and numbers change but life goes on as usual. In fact, in countries like India 1st January is no longer a public holiday. In fact most countries, except the West and those still committed to a Western culture celebrate 1st January as New Year. Other countries have their own New Year according to their national religions or cultures – in India the majority celebrate New Year when they celebrate Dusherra.

That is not the point – whether it is 1st January or some other date a New Year does not have the power to change our lives. The significance of our lives are not dependent on any particular date. Like birth or wedding anniversaries such important dates mark a milestone in our lives and the celebrations make us happy besides making a dent in our wallets. Any change towards newness in life must happen by our response to Jesus Christ and His Word and choices we make influenced by that.

Let’s face it – our lives need to be made new. 2 Cor. 5:17 says that if we are in Christ we are new. Not only should there be a clear and personal testimonyof salvation but there must be an intimate relationship between each Christian and the Lord Jesus. That will be reflected in us living out the newness of life.

Let’s also face the reality of our churches – most churches are carrying on a traditional pattern of running the church services and week after week the same pattern is followed. While change for change sake is not healthy our church services should reflect new life in Christ that those attending the worship services have experienced and continue to enjoy day by day.

Our nation has a new government and God has chosen this according to His own purposes (Dan. 4:25b; Rom. 13:1-2). There are bound to be new policies and many changes that we will experience. Our personal lives changes – we grow older, our families grow and some of our loved ones move out and establish their own families, our careers and employment might change. Change and new situations are part of life – however, Jesus remains the same in His character, power and purposes. The Gospel never changes. Man’s need for Jesus and His great salvation NEVER changes. Stay true to the unchanging Jesus and His Gospel – enjoy a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Chris Williams

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