March 6, 2025
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Local Church Resources


It is examination time and many of us, as parents and even grandparents are caught up in the stress and tension of our children’s school or college exams.


There is an even greater exam awaiting all of us. We will one day stand before our Maker and give an account of our lives. I just finished attending a funeral. The lady was a greatly acclaimed woman in a certain field and those who attended paid tribute to her in that field. However, one senior member of that field of special interest mentioned how the government had not recognized her high achievements. Reminded me of this fact – the world may or may not acknowledge our worth but whatever we do for the Lord, as believers – He will richly reward us. It was also mentioned how this dear lady had suffered and had a tragic life even though she had been an achiever in a certain field. Remind. This person had surmounted her personal sufferings when she surrendered her life in repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Many testified to her life being full of the joy of the Lord.


Enjoy this issue.


We would love to hear from you all. Your prayers and support are a great encouragement.



Chris Williams

Chairman, LM

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A Biblical Philosophy of Ministry – Part 1

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A Biblical Philosophy of Ministry – Part 2

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